Friday, February 27, 2009


=pic of a jeepney probably an USO-USO=

on our way home, most of our group decided to ride a jeepney called uso uso...
i was not really in favor of it... yet.... i agreed coz the majority wants to...
all i did was to go with the flow...

i was not really used to riding that jeepney coz i know its risky...
why would i risk my life just to arrive at my destination in time...
i admit that its really fast and you could arrive on time or earlier than usual...
but then, the consequence was not worth it all...

i wont give my life just to be on time..
I'd rather wake up early and go home early to arrive on time than to ride that jeepney...
yet this evening i was forced to ride one...

it was really fast and "musuray2 pa jud murag hubog"...
it broke many traffic rules and while we passed bolton bridge,

hapit mabangga ang jeep sa taxi, unya murag matuwad...
atai, paspas lgi, paspas man pud ka matigok...
murag byaheng langit na jud ba...
luckily, the driver was quick and maneuvered the jeepney well...
but still, even if the driver was Hussler on it...
i wont ride on it again...
its because as if the driver doesnt care about his passengers...
he doesnt care if the passengers were safe, just to be fast, pick up more passenger
and have more money...
its not right at all...
and i observed, unlike any other jeepneys that has ROSARY on their front rear view...
that jeepney doesn't have any...

i hope someday, they would realize what they were doing...

before lives are taken in exchange for what they have done...
p.s i would never ever ride a jeepney like that again... i love my life... and i value it =)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

the best adventure i ever had... (i guess)

pix taken from Mt. Apo =)

since i was a little kid, i got used to adventures..

My parents and relatives were adventurous that's why i reached places which are far away from here...

but then...

i guess the best adventure i had was when i was in 2nd year high school...

for it was the time when i reached the highest peak here in the Philippines,

Mt. Apo...
i was amazed to see things beneath...
so small like ants...
but i was more amazed when the sky was of my reach...
kumbaga abot kamay ang langit.. hehehe
i could nearly touch the clouds! =)

it was a tiring but satisfying moment of my life...

well, i admit at first, i got scared for it was my first time to do rock climbing...


but it wasn't that high... (sarcastically)

it was just thrice the height of a 6 footer...


all i can say was it was worth it all...

the feeling was just...

mixed... unexplainable... cant be defined...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ha ha hanamichi sakuragi

===the real one?=== ===character i adore most!===

hahaha obvious??

wait... a brief intro first...

for those who does not know HANAMICHI SAKURAGI..
(ill kill you)
Real story? of the anime character Hanamichi Sakuragi

Hanamichi Sakuragi was born in 1968 in a family of the common working class. His mother passed away when he was very young, without the love of his mother he use the violence (out-on-the-street fights) to resolve his problems. As a young boy he was very tall at the age of 12 average 1.75 mts, and his body began to acquire force and a lot of resistance through his fights. Once he had a fight with the students in the sports zone of the University of Tokyo; his abilities to fight, velocity and tough physicality they attracted the coach of the basketball team, and offered him to join the team.
In a party of practice, at the age of 17, against the National Team of Japan, Hanamichi of 1.89 mts, was the unique one that was not frightened by the professionals and noted 33 points alone: 10 shots, 3 nailed, 1 triple, 1 shot that did not find the terminology to explain, and 2 free shots.
Although its team lost with only 59 points (59 - 115), had been an excellent first game for Hanamichi. Basketball was in chaos, and he was named "The Hope of the Japanese Basketball". Nevertheless, its father fell sick a year later. Hanamichi went of, return to Tokyo, and this trip would cost him all. He descended of the bus in Tokyo and he was on the verge of crossing the street across the hospital when a car that went very fast hit him . Although he had the "body of steel", the impact simply was too strong. He collapsed, they carried him to the hospital. Unfortunately it was too late... before they sent him to the operating room (he) died from internal hemorrhage, only with 18 years of age.
The World of the Japanese Basketball was completely destroyed, they called this loss "Colossal". The mangaca Takehiko Inoue created its series" Slam Dunk" based on the history of his youth.

>i dont really know if this one is a fact or a fiction<

>whether its real or not, you decide<
i like this character because i think it reflects my own personality..

aside from both liking basketball...

i think we feel the same way too...


id rather laugh on mistakes than make it a big big problem in my life... hahaha (anime hanamichi)

another id rather share my happiness than my loneliness..

at times, i could also be short tempered like him but nevertheless...
i dont get a fight as often as he does...


good girl eh...


watch slam dunk and you'll see why i adore him^^

Monday, February 23, 2009

=slam dunk=

slam dunk is back!!!
whatta wew!
kaso-----> d q kay 1o AM!!!!
my untag gbi.i...
bad mood pa jud q kay ang google,yahoo,msn,alta vista d ma open!
tanan search engine d ma open!
ambot unsay prob ani amu pc..
may pa ang blogspot ma open!
wala p q kbuhat sa assignment sa soc!

Monday, February 16, 2009


NUMBER NO. 2005 - 014


The Board issued Memorandum Circular No. 2003-033, dated December 15,2003, providing therein the Guidelines for Student Fare Discounts. In addition to the provisions thereof, specifically Item II. USE/AVAILMENT, the Board hereby

includes as second paragraph of said item, to read as follows :

"Students can only avail of the twenty percent (20%) discount during the school year from Mondays to Fridays. Said fare discount cannot be availed of on Saturdays and Sundays, legal and special legal holidays, Christmas and summer breaks. Post-graduate students (those taking up medicine, law, masteral, doctoral degrees and the like) cannot avail of the said fare discount."

All other issuances or parts hereof which are inconsistent herewith, are therefore modified or superseded accordingly. This Circular shall take effect immediately following the filing of three (3) copies hereof with the UP Law Center, pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Circular No. 11, dated 09 October 1992.


Quezon City, Philippines. May 09 2005

memorandum circular no.2005-014... i saw this words while i was riding a PUJ... then came out a question... is it really true or was it just made by the drivers? well as i searched it on the net... i saw the data above... mmmmmm....

is it implemented until now?

well its written 2005 but then its 2009 now...

are there any other memorandum circular which could support it?

i became suspicious when i read something thats not listed on the data

above.... is it true? can someone support the data above??


i had a bad day~ or night rather~.~

wew! talking about a bad day! i thought this was a great day but then before i end my day, it became bad.

KNow why? btw~haha actually its not day... its night already...

phew! i forgot.. maybe its coz of the anger im feeling.

Even though im tan (lol~tan? or... errrr.. NVM) i feel that my face turned into ember! but now im starting to cool off... back to the topic...

imagine if you were blamed for the wrong thing. you were accused and they dont want to hear your explanation!

i know you'd be very furious about it...

luckily, even though im not asked of any explanation, i explained myself... how could i be understood if i dont stand for myself! yeah!

i know at times i can be a rebel but then i would only be one if i know that im right. i would fight for what i believe and i wouldnt stop until you get my point. until you understand me... i wouldnt stop until you realize that your wrong. i would be like this IF and only IF i am in the right position.

but when i know im wrong i would be quietly sitting here and would listen to you... so why not do the same thing? for i have given you respect, i ought to have one too... i ought to have respect for i have given respect... even though you had a bad day, you should keep it to yourself...

im innocent... even though your mad i do not deserve to be treated like this... just put yourself in my shoes... i know you'd hate to be treated like this... I KNOW YOU'D HATE TO..